Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Us Men And Our Pride

Well.............once again THE FELLAS proved my point. I wrote the first blog for the fellas to peep game, and work on what they needed to work on and all I got was female responses.(shout out to the 2 1/2 guys that manned up and showed love.lol) Not complaining, because I love you ladies; BUT it shows your willingness to work on you and try to be better or to LISTEN if nothing else. While  us MEN are filled with so much pride that we are so sure we know all we need to know about women, and we don't need to listen to no other man or even female at that. Really, if a guy took the time to read your replies and comments, they would learn something solely from that. Don't get it twisted though ladies because my comments from you did decrease on that second blog when I was gettin on yall, compared to when I was gettin on the fellas.lol

Alright, NOW FOR THE TOPIC of this blog.............US MEN AND OUR PRIDE. Yeah, I can talk about it, because Pride is something I'm working on myself right now in my walk with The LORD. But I'm about to talk about it as it pertains to relationships. For 1, PRIDE and LOVE don't work together. PROOF? Half the time your PRIDE is what keeps you from admitting you love a chick in the first place. It's not easy to do, but we have shake this pride thing man. Pride will keep you from doing something for your woman that you know good and well she deserves, because you don't want to feel like your "TRICKING". First off, tricking has nothing to do with WHAT YOU DO; it's WHY YOU DO IT that makes you a trick. If you have a good woman, don't let pride keep you from buying her stuff and doing nice things for her because naturally, a good woman makes you WANT to do for her. ESPECIALLY when you know she bends over backwards for you. Even THE BIBLE says, never withhold good from someone deserving, when it's in your power to do so. And why would you? And getting rid of pride will cause you to stop worrying about what your friends will say. I mean, LET'S BE HONEST................most of the cats we surround ourselves with are playas, and deal with "HOES" on the daily. THEREFORE you take that info and you apply it to "HOES". If you take what applies to hoes, and use it toward a GOOD WOMAN, you're depreciating the value of your good one. EXAMPLE: If you start treating your Bentley like a Civic, and not taking care of it the way a Bentley's supposed to be taken care of, eventually your Bentley’s going start driving like a Civic. And your neglect for that Bentley will show both in its appearance and performance. IN OTHER WORDS, if you have a GOOD WOMAN, you start taking advice from a GOOD MAN! And any good man will tell you like I tell my friends all the time; "FORGET what me and the guys are going to think, and do you". At the end of the day you marry a woman and the 2 of you become one flesh as it says in the Bible. ONE FLESH...............that means bump your pride and what your friends say because no one will be closer to you than your WIFE. Don't get me wrong, friends are good but any man in a REAL RELATIONSHIP whether they admit it or not, knows your chick becomes your best friend. It's just a certain level of closeness a chick can get to dat a guy can't. That's just how God made it.

So here's the RECAP, let the pride go FELLAS. Yeah, THERE ARE some chicks out here that aren't about anything. But a lot of the times your chick is a reflection of you, and they just may have dealt with some guy that wasn't about anything. And you can only treat a 10 like a 7 so long, before she starts looking, feeling, and acting like a 7. Either that or she bounces because she's been treated like a 10 before and knows what she deserves. If you have a GOOD WOMAN, pride will make you NOT tell her you love her in front of certain people. Pride will make you not do things for her that you know she deserves, only because of what someone will say or think. Pride will make you not call first and apologize when you know you were dead wrong. It will cause you to lose a good thing and be too prideful to call, and/or do whatever it takes to get it back. And half the time, you do...................you just front in front of the fellas like you don't care.lol THIS IS A HARD ONE, but pride will cause you to know you had a good woman, who just made a mistake; and not take her back because of what people will think or say. Your pride will make you an 80% MAN and cause you to withhold that other 20% from your chick when you know good and well she deserves 100% from you. And if you're reading this and you think I'm on some SIMP $#@!, this whole Blog just went over your head. Either that, or IT'S JUST YOUR PRIDE SPEAKING AGAIN! =)

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