Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Selfish Women, 20% Men, And Honeymoon Periods

Alright first off, just so there's no misunderstanding about the last blog, it DOES NOT excuse you ladies from the fact that you cheated, if that is the action you choose to take about your situation. Because that only comes from SELFISHNESS and/or WEAKNESS. If you are a real woman and know that you’re not happy in a situation, you ALWAYS have the option to JUST LEAVE and keep your integrity. That's what you’re supposed to do. Because whether or not you feel you have a good reason to cheat, at the end of the day it still makes you a CHEATER. BETTER EXAMPLE: The Bible says, if you’re married and have an AFFAIR, it makes you an ADULTERER. There's nothing ANOTHER PERSON can do, to change YOUR ACTIONS from being ADULTERESS. So you can't let a bad man turn you into a bad woman. Or you will become everything you despise in a man that cheats. If you don’t like the situation, BOUNCE. Don't wait until you meet that safety net guy, and monkey bar over to him, because that's just showing WEAKNESS, and that you’re scared to face that in-between period. Either that, or your weakness in yielding to physical temptation. No more boyfriend #2's!!! =)

NOW FOR THE REAL TOPIC............a LOT of yall are just plain SELFISH! You mess wit that second guy to meet a need you feel is not being met at home. And half of the time it's SEX or MATERIAL THINGS(THAT'S A WHOLE OTHER BLOG,LOL) Or you just have SO MANY DAMN NEEDS that you don't take the time out to realize how many of them your man IS meeting you unappreciative heffas!lol Some of you actually have GOOD DUDES at home, but your so stuck on that "HONEYMOON PERIOD" from when you first got together, that all you see is that things aint how they used to be. And there's nothing a man can do to bring back the honeymoon period, that's going to die. Your going to run out of stuff to talk about because you'll know everything about each other, so the conversation will be reduced to what happened "TODAY". Even if HE DID keep sending flowers they would affect you less each time you got them because eventually you become desensitized and stop appreciating it the same. FOR EXAMPLE ladies, if a man kisses you on your neck, doesn't it feel nice? But if he kisses that same spot for 20 minutes, it won’t feel the same at the end as it did when he first started. You want him to move around. YET, you're not realizing that he just sat there for 20 min. doing something HE THOUGHT you liked. AND THAT'S HOW YALL'S DAMN NEEDS ARE.LOL Cuz eventually a guy will run out of places to kiss metaphorically speaking. In other words he will run out of ways to please you AND GIVE UP because you're NEVER SATISFIED, And don’t appreciate the things HE IS doing to satisfy you. You can have 50 needs (well actually 30 of those are wants if you’re spoiled) and if a guy meets 40 of them, you will find a guy to meet the other 10. JUST SELFISH! And the sad part is that it takes you messing with lesser man for you to realize that all he'll ever be able to do is meet those 10 needs. AGAIN, u got your 80% man at home, and you cheat with the 20% dude who tells you what you want to hear, like us men do. FOR EXAMPLE you see other people’s babies and you pick them up and say how cute and put them down and go home, and all of a sudden you want kinds of your own. But when you have YOUR OWN and you have to deal, day in and day out, it aint as cute. SAME GOES for da 20% man. He doesn't have to deal with your attitudes, complaints, or demands all day everyday. Life's easy for him. He gets to spend 2 hours with you, get some booty, take you home, and go chill with his friends while your man gets fussed at for trying to spend 2 hours with his friends, and gets no booty because you're not in the mood. Now, that I think about it, yall are some COLD CREATURES!lol

FINAL THOUGHT..............The honeymoon period WILL END! Don't mistake that for your dude changing because you're going to put yourself through a WHOLE LOT of emotional drama by involving someone else in your relationship. You'll go through the honeymoon period with him, and then what? You'll always get the butterflies with the NEW GUY because he's the new guy. Don’t fall into the "He makes me feel the way you used to" trick that your emotions play on you. And quit being SELFISH and appreciate the man you have. If he let's you get your way MOST of the time, please don't fight him on the couple times he doesn't or that he expresses his wants and they don’t match yours. When you LOVE SOMEONE, sometimes you put your wants on the backburner, because making your partner happy becomes a want in itself. That goes for BOTH SEXES, so don’t' let anybody twist my words to manipulate you because guys do that, but that's another blog too. I know this one was long, and I STILL left some stuff

The whole blog may not speak for you, but admit to yourself what's real and take the things in here that do apply to you, and apply it to your relationship!!!

1 comment:

  1. To avoid all the bs in a man and wife relationship one has to become ONE with the Creator. When you have a relationship with him, than the ways of man & woman will become more apparent. On a personal note I vowed "abstinence". What's that? Abstinence is not having sex. A person who decides to practice abstinence has decided not to have sex. -- So I have a clear VIEW -- observing from both ends & we all are a lil selfish & needy in many ways. But the TRUE thirst is satisfied by ONE... Jesus ( Yeshua ) ((( hugs ))))

    I love your BLOG my friend.

